标签 - Unionwell 微动开关新闻


作为专业开关制造商, Unionwell专注于生产各种微动开关, 防水微动开关, 风压开关, 和限位开关。我们的产品应用广泛...


直流电压: 直流电, 伏 (伏特) 是电压的符号, DC是直流电. 绝缘表使用的电压是直流电. 交流电:...

Unionwell 电子门开关

People know that there is a door switch for many household appliances or automobile control systems. But few people understand that a snap action switch...

Micro Switches Manufacturer Development Trend

Information technology innovation has made a significant difference to the electronic switches industry. For the sake of technology development, the switches industry has shifted its...
