


微动开关易受影响. 当开关出现故障时, 请检查是否是以下情况导致的. The first reason is that the switch is affected by the malignant gas in the environment. The insulating cover layer is formed on the contact surface due to the low load area switch.

The solution is to replace the switch containing the material (gold, alloy, 等等。) with good environmental adaptability. The second reason is that the microswitch is attached to dust, garbage, 欢迎来电咨询!. If it is because of dust inside the switch, you can put it into the box or use a sealed switch. The third reason is that the flux is immersed in the solder. If a flux is immersed in solder, it is necessary to correct it and use a switch that does not immerse it in the flux.

优力纬尔首页: A Electronic Switches China Manufacturing

Unionwell自成立以来一直致力于电子开关的研发和制造 2014. 十多年的微动开关经验使我们能够为全球客户生产高品质的电气开关. 同时, 研发投入新专利电器开关研发.

如果您对微动开关感兴趣,欢迎访问我们的网站. 官网已连接: https://www.unionwellswitch.com/

Unionwell专业生产各类基础微动开关, 超小型微动开关, 防水微动开关, 和其他产品.
