


温控器的工作原理是通过温度保护器将温度传递给温控器. The temperature controller issues a command to start or stop the waterproof micro switch to control the operation of the device to achieve the desired temperature and energy-saving effect.

Temperature controller working principle

The structure’s primary purpose as a temperature controller consists of a bellows, a temperature-sensing package, an eccentric wheel, and a micro switch to form a sealed induction system and a system for transmitting signal power, which is mainly used for temperature control of appliances such as a disinfection cabinet.

The characteristics of the microswitch in the temperature controller are mainly stable performance, 高精准度, small size, 轻的, 高可靠性, 和长寿.

优力纬尔首页: An enterprise specializing in the production of micro switches

Unionwell是一家专业生产微动开关的企业. The company currently has basic micro switches, miniature micro switches, 微型微动开关, 防水微动开关, 和其他产品.

Unionwell自成立以来一直致力于电子开关的研发和制造 2014. 十多年的微动开关经验使我们能够为全球客户生产高品质的电气开关. 同时, 研发投入新专利电器开关研发.


官网已连接: https://www.unionwellswitch.com/

