


机械键盘使用按键下方的物理开关来确定用户何时按下按键. 按一个键, and you press its switch down. The keyboard sends a signal to the PC telling it to press that key. Because it has a keyboard switch inside. 了解两者之间的区别非常重要, this design doesn’t sound so remarkable. After all, you already have a keyboard, and you can tell when you’ve pressed a key: You push one down, and a letter pops up on the screen.

然而, please take a second to think about how you know you’ve pressed a key. It’s because you’ve pushed the key down as far as it will go, only after which you see something happen on your PC. Most keyboards are composed of three plastic membranes, with rubber dome-shaped micro switches underneath each key.

Mechanical Keyboard Switch Application Scenes

按一个键, and the rubber switch pushes through a hole in the middle membrane to connect the top and bottom membranes, which creates an electrical circuit that causes the keyboard to send the input to your PC. This keyboard design is inexpensive and spill-resistant, but it doesn’t give you as much tactile or audible feedback when you press a key, which can change how you type.

优力纬尔首页: A Professional Mechanical Keyboard Switch Manufacturer

Unionwell自成立以来一直致力于电子开关的研发和制造. 十多年的微动开关经验使我们能够为全球客户生产高品质的电气开关. 同时, 研发投入新专利电器开关研发.

惠州市优力纬尔微控 & 电子, 有限公司是一家专注于微电子元件的高科技工厂, 基本的, 和机械键盘开关.

了解更多微动开关详情, please feel free to visit our website if needed: https://www.unionwellswitch.com
