

惠州市优力纬尔微控 & 电子, 有限公司, 中国专业的微动开关制造商, recently launched the G303-130W01B7-T712U IP67汽车微动开关 .

G303-130W01B7-T712U Miniature Micro Switch Product Link

The G303-130W01B7-T712U 汽车微动开关 has the characteristics of the new full sealing ring and mini compact size. The sealing structure can prevent the water from entering the inner of the micro switch; the miniature switch is also an IP67 micro switch.

G605-150S06A-2 G303-130W01B7-T712U IP67 Car Micro Switch has a leaf lever and over 100,000 机械使用寿命周期; You can customize a more extended service life. The automotive micro switch is designed to be applied to the car, charing guns, charging pile, 欢迎来电咨询!.

欢迎访问惠州市优力纬尔微控 & 电子, 有限公司的网站,以便您找到需要的微动开关并获取有关微动开关的更多信息.

欢迎访问我们的网站: www.unionwellswitch.com.

