


Whether in the electronics market or electronic industry, 我们, as electronic component purchasers, must have a general understanding of micro switch quality and select a reliable supplier. Especially, plenty of testing is required to secure its good quality. The excellent quality switch can secure its good performance when it is operated.

Though a micro switch is more sensitive than other electronic switches in the application, if the operating force is beyond the limit, it can stand, the micro switch will get broken. When fixing the snap action switch or micro switch, you must pay attention to the circuit if it is connected properly. 当动作簧片位移达到临界点时, you are required to make adjustments in the operation force. Proper operation force will extend the mechanical life of the micro switch.

The spring is the center of a micro switch or snaps action switch; the operating force sound can be taken as the factor to judge if it is working correctly. When we select the micro switch or snap action switch, we just consider the operation sound, the mechanical life, and the price.

Unionwell is dedicated to producing high-quality snap action switches, all series electrical switches, or micro switches. We manufacture basic switches, 防水微动开关, miniature micro switches, 机械键盘开关, 欢迎来电咨询!. 随着超过 15 多年OEM经验, Unionwell has become a leading electronic component manufacturer.

欢迎登录我们的网站; if you have more questions: www.unionwellswitch.com

