电饭煲中的 G5 系列基本微动开关


电饭煲中的 G5 系列基本微动开关

电饭煲中的 G5 系列基本微动开关

电饭煲已成为世界各地厨房的必备电器. 只需按一下按钮即可方便地煮饭, they have become a staple for electronic appliances in homes and restaurants alike. One of the key components of these rice cookers is the micro switch, which provides the control necessary for controlling the cooking process.

At our company, we specialize in providing high-quality micro switches for a variety of applications, including electric rice cookers. Our G5 series basic micro switches provide exceptional performance in these appliances due to their high reliability and long lifespan. 此外, our switches are certified to meet global safety standards, ensuring that they can be safely used in rice cookers all over the world.

The basic principle of using micro switches in electric rice cookers is fairly simple. When the cooker is turned on, it begins to warm up the water and rice mixture to cook it. Once the water reaches a certain temperature, the switch is activated, which in turn activates the heating element to maintain the temperature. As the rice cooks, the switch continues to monitor the temperature and makes adjustments as needed to ensure that the cooker maintains the correct temperature.

One of the benefits of using our G5 series basic micro switches is their high reliability. This ensures that the switch will function correctly over an extended period, 即使频繁使用. 此外, our switches are designed to meet global safety standards, 包括UL, CSA, and CE certification, ensuring that they can be safely used in rice cookers all over the world.

In addition to their use in rice cookers, our micro switches are used in a wide variety of other applications across industries such as home appliances, 汽车制造, 和更多. We offer a range of terminal types and handles to ensure that our switches can be customized to meet the needs of our customers.

总之, the G5series basic micro switches are an essential component of electric rice cookers, providing the necessary control to ensure that the rice is cooked to perfection. Our switches offer high reliability, global safety certification, and a range of customization options, making them an ideal choice for a variety of applications.


惠州市优力纬尔微控 & 电子, 有限公司专业生产用于汽车行业和家电白色家电的优质微动开关. 主要产品包括基本微动开关, 防水微动开关, 风压开关, 机械键盘开关, 和门开关.

为了更好的定价, 交货时间, 和质量控制保证, 我们收购了惠州格力泰电子有限公司。, 有限公司 2021. 我们将其作为我们的中国生产基地,拥有超过 500 员工和 250 万件/年的生产能力. 与子公司广州联合威尔传感销售分公司 & 电子, 有限公司成立, 截至目前,我们的全球影响力覆盖北美, 欧洲, 亚洲, 和南美洲. 我们的大多数业务合作伙伴/最终客户都是全球性的 500 企业, 包括世界知名家电品牌和北美、欧洲领先的汽车供应商.

我们正在龙门启动一个新的产业基地, 惠州市, 广东省, 同时. 总部将引进大批量自动化设备, 使微动开关的产能从 250 万件大幅提升到 1.3 亿件/年的产能.

我们可以为品牌的霍尼韦尔开关提供替代品, C&K, Cherry, 克鲁泽, Omron, 重新连接冰箱的电源线并验证制冰机是否正常运行. 我们制造的开关提供了一种经济高效的解决方案.




