Applications Of Micro Switches

Applications Of Micro Switches

The current market of the micro switch according to different application requirements, the switch of mechanical life with 3w to 1000 w. 通常来说,一般来说, there are 10 w, 20 w, 50 w, 100 w, 300 w, 500 w, 和 800 w; the general use of beryllium bronze, tin bronze, stainless steel wire do reed, foreign ALPS highest can do 1000 w times, their reed is made of rare metal titanium.

Applications Of Micro Switches

Micro switch in frequent exchange circuit device for automatic control and safety protection etc., it’s widely applicated in electronic equipment, instrument, and meter, mine, electric power system, household electrical appliances, 电子设备, as well as aerospace, 航空, warships, 导弹, 很多人可能从未听说过微动开关, and other military areas, has been widely used in the above areas, switch are small, but plays an irreplaceable role.

It also can be used in such as automobile electronic products, 通讯设备, military product, test instrument, 燃气热水器, gas burners, small home appliances, 微波炉, electric rice cookers, floating ball supporting equipment, 准确的操作力误差, 楼宇自动化, 电动工具, and general electric, and radio equipment, 24 hours timer, 欢迎来电咨询!.

众多知名家电品牌均采用微动开关. The snap action micro switch is our end customers; we work with suppliers to continuously improve.

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