带 Unionwell 的气压开关

带 Unionwell 的气压开关

带 Unionwell 的气压开关

气压开关是一种检测元件,一般用于需要气压的机械中, 例如气动压力机, 剪, 燃气热水器, 燃气锅炉, 燃气灶, wall-hung boilers other electrical appliances that use gas.

Use the gas’s static pressure to push the microswitch to realize the on and off of the current. The critical role of the air pressure switch is to ensure that the equipment can close the gas channel promptly in the case of poor exhaust air. Ensure that the gas does not leak out, 从而保护人身安全.

The parameters of the air pressure switch in Unionwell are generally:

set point range:10-1500帕,

operating pressure range: 25-1500帕,

switch rating:0.1125/250VAC, 3125/250VAC, 5125/250VAC, 16125/250VAC.

优力纬尔首页: 专业的微动开关供应商| 制造商

Unionwell微动开关制造商, 制造商, 和工厂, 专注新清洁能源电子元件研发. 并且我们把枪充电微动开关作为未来十年的战略产品.

越来越多的客户开始询问该型号微动开关的规格和应用. Suppose you are interested in this model product. Unionwell微动开关制造商, 制造商, and factory dedicated to all series micro switches, snap action switches, 风压开关, 欢迎来电咨询!.

欢迎访问我们的网站了解更多详情: www.unionwellswitch.com/
