


电子产品的开关有很多种, 防水微动开关是最常用的一种. As long as the switch button is lightly touched, the power of the product can be turned on.

Application advantages of waterproof micro switch: The manufacturing cost of waterproof micro-switches is relatively low, which has a considerable advantage in the market for an electronic component with a wide range of applications. The waterproof micro switch is tiny and light.

The waterproof micro switch also has good conductive properties; its circuit can be printed with carbon paste, silver paste, copper foil, 等等。, the conductive layer can be folded without problems, and the unique membrane switch can also withstand higher voltages Without damage to performance.

Unionwells’ micro-switches and waterproof micro-switches are widely used in various household appliances, 电子设备, 自动化设备, 通讯设备, 汽车电子, 仪器仪表, 电动工具, 和其他领域, and their dustproof, 防水的, and other sealed versions Products can meet the needs of unique environments.

Unionwell致力于生产各类防水微动开关, 密封微动开关, 自动微动开关, 微动开关, 基本微动开关, 和检测开关. 作为中国专业的微动开关工厂, 我们与世界知名的汽车和家电客户建立了长期的合作关系.

欢迎访问我们的网站,了解更多关于微动开关的信息: https://www.unionwellswitch.com

