Common Codes And Meanings Of Micro Switch

Common Codes And Meanings Of Micro Switch

Common Codes And Meanings Of Micro Switch

As a professional manufacturer of micro switches, unionwell has collected the following technical codes and meanings in the micro switch industry so that everyone can better understand and use microswitches in the future:

Перед поездкой The distance or angle of movement from the drive rod free position to the active position.

Перебег Moving distance or moving angle from the operating position to the total travel position.

Movement differential The distance or angle of movement from the operating position of the drive rod to the reset position.

Operating force The force must be applied to the drive rod(рычаг) to travel from the free position to the operating position.

Releasing force The force must be applied to the drive rod(рычаг)when travelling from the total travel position to the reset position.

Total travel force The force must be applied to the drive rod(рычаг) при движении из свободного положения в положение полного хода.

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Unionwell — высокотехнологичное предприятие, специализирующееся на исследованиях и разработках.. Как производитель микропереключателей, наша компания разрабатывает и продает различные микропереключатели, водонепроницаемые микровыключатели, и сверхминиатюрные микропереключатели.

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