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Micro Switch Application For Charging Guns

Категория: Новости отрасли

As the new energy industry has become a new trend, many electronic products or automobiles have relevant changes in their design and structure. The automobile...

Discussion About The Purpose Of Micro Switch

Микропереключатель, как видно из названия, он маленький и тонкий. It is a switching device to control the different intelligent control systems. The micro...

Limit Switch And Industrial Control

The limit switch is an electronic component for industrial control, manufacturing equipment, and an oversized home appliance machine. Следовательно, limit switch as a member of...

Auto Parts With Automotive Switch

Категория: Новости отрасли

According to its application in the auto industry, a micro switches or snap action switch is also called an automotive switch. The automotive switch is...

Snap Action Switch For Automotive Control

Категория: Новости отрасли

A snap action switch is applied inside the control system in automotive control. It is easily found inside various intelligent control systems of the automobile....

Концевой выключатель,Бесконтактный переключатель и микропереключатель

Концевой выключатель: концевой выключатель представляет собой электрическое устройство управления, которое переключает цепь в зависимости от движущихся частей. It is used to control the...