Microinterruptores básicos da série G5 em panelas elétricas de arroz

Microinterruptor da Panela de Arroz

Microinterruptores básicos da série G5 em panelas elétricas de arroz

Microinterruptores básicos da série G5 em panelas elétricas de arroz

As panelas elétricas de arroz se tornaram um eletrodoméstico essencial em cozinhas de todo o mundo. Com a conveniência de cozinhar arroz com o apertar de um botão, they have become a staple for electronic appliances in homes and restaurants alike. One of the key components of these rice cookers is the micro switch, which provides the control necessary for controlling the cooking process.

At our company, we specialize in providing high-quality micro switches for a variety of applications, including electric rice cookers. Our G5 series basic micro switches provide exceptional performance in these appliances due to their high reliability and long lifespan. Adicionalmente, our switches are certified to meet global safety standards, ensuring that they can be safely used in rice cookers all over the world.

The basic principle of using micro switches in electric rice cookers is fairly simple. When the cooker is turned on, it begins to warm up the water and rice mixture to cook it. Once the water reaches a certain temperature, the switch is activated, which in turn activates the heating element to maintain the temperature. As the rice cooks, the switch continues to monitor the temperature and makes adjustments as needed to ensure that the cooker maintains the correct temperature.

One of the benefits of using our G5 series basic micro switches is their high reliability. This ensures that the switch will function correctly over an extended period, even with frequent use. Adicionalmente, our switches are designed to meet global safety standards, including UL, CSA, and CE certification, ensuring that they can be safely used in rice cookers all over the world.

In addition to their use in rice cookers, our micro switches are used in a wide variety of other applications across industries such as home appliances, automotive manufacturing, e mais. We offer a range of terminal types and handles to ensure that our switches can be customized to meet the needs of our customers.

In summary, the G5series basic micro switches are an essential component of electric rice cookers, providing the necessary control to ensure that the rice is cooked to perfection. Our switches offer high reliability, global safety certification, and a range of customization options, making them an ideal choice for a variety of applications.

Unionwell Micro Switch Fabricante da China

Huizhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Electronics Co., Ltd specializes in producing quality micro switches for the automotive industry and white goods of home appliances. Os principais produtos incluem microinterruptores básicos, interruptores à prova d'água, pressostatos de ar, interruptores de teclado mecânicos, e interruptores de porta.

Para melhores preços, tempo de espera, e garantias de controle de qualidade, we acquired Huizhou Greetech Electronics Co., Ltda em 2021. Tornamos nossa base de produção na China com mais de 500 funcionários e um 250 capacidade de produção milhões de peças/ano. With the subsidiary sales branch Guangzhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Technology Co., Ltd founded, nosso alcance global abrange a América do Norte, Europa, Ásia, e América do Sul. A maioria dos nossos parceiros de negócios/clientes finais são globais 500 empreendimentos, incluindo marcas mundialmente famosas de eletrodomésticos e fornecedores automotivos líderes na América do Norte e Europa.

We are launching a new industrial base at Longmen, Huizhou, Província de Guangdong, que funcionará como sede da Unionwell. Equipamentos de automação serão introduzidos, melhorando maciçamente a capacidade de produção de interruptores de 250 milhões de peças para mais 1.3 bilhões de peças/ano.

We can provide alternatives for the brands’ switches from Honeywell, C&K, cereja, Crouzet, Omron, e Burgess. Our fabricated switches offer a cost-effective solution.

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