Serlêdanên Micro Switch Li Ser Germahiya Ava Gazê

Serlêdanên Micro Switch Li Ser Germahiya Ava Gazê

GPS100 series micro switches have a wide range of applications in gas water heaters. Fonksiyona guhêzbarên rêza GPS100 di germkerên ava gazê de kontrolkirina şewitandinê ye. Dema ku tansiyona avê digihîje astekê, a diaphragm inside turns on a microswitch via the drive shaft. When the valve receives the signal, the valve is excited to open the valve to supply gas and start burning. An Air pressure switch, also known as an air pressure circuit breaker, is a circuit breaker.

The basic micro switch of the GPS100 series is a pneumatic switch, which has high stability, can provide a single, compatible precision micro switch, and has an instantaneous contact structure. Herwisa, it has a long service life and is widely used in various household appliances, alavên elektronîk, automation equipment, automotive electronic products, and other fields.

Unionwell Micro Switch Manufacturer From China

Huizhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Electronics Co., Ltd specializes in producing quality micro switches for the automotive industry and white goods of home appliances. Berhemên sereke guheztinên mîkro bingehîn hene, switches waterproof, guheztinên zexta hewayê, switches Klavyeya mekanîk, û kincên derî.

Ji bo bihayê çêtir, dema pêkhatinê, û garantiya kontrolkirina kalîteyê, we acquired Huizhou Greetech Electronics Co., Ltd in 2021. Me ew bi ser de kir bingeha hilberîna xwe ya Chinaînê 500 karmend û a 250 mîlyon perçe / kapasîteya hilberînê ya salê.

With the subsidiary sales branch Guangzhou Unionwell Sensing & Control Technology Co., Ltd founded, gihîştina me ya gerdûnî Amerîkaya Bakur digire, ewropa, asya, û Amerîkaya Başûr.

Piraniya hevkarên karsaziya me / xerîdarên paşîn Global in 500 pargîdaniyan, di nav wan de marqeyên amûrên malê yên navdar ên cîhanê û pêşkêşkerên pêşeng ên otomotîvê yên li Amerîkaya Bakur û Ewropayê.

We are launching a new industrial base at Longmen, Unionwell, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, which will work as Unionwell headquarters. Automation equipment will be introduced, massively improving the switch production capacity from 250 mîlyon perçe li ser 1.3 milyar perçe / sal.

We can provide alternatives for the brands’ switches from Honeywell, Mekanîkî ≥ 10,000,000 cycles an 1,000,000cycles&Mekanîkî ≥ 10,000,000 cycles an 1,000,000cycles, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, Crouzet, lê hin hilberên normal di stokê de hene, and Burgess. Our fabricated switches offer a cost-effective solution.

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