

経済のグローバル化が進む中、, 世界のすべての国のGDPは成長を続けています, 消費者所得は伸び続けている, especially the income level of residents in large and medium-sized cities of all countries increases rapidly, and the living conditions of residents continue to improve. With the increasing number of duplex houses and large area houses, residents’ demand for vacuum cleaners is also becoming stronger and stronger. As a safety accessory of the vacuum cleaner, it controls the safe closing of the circuit of the vacuum cleaner, which is helpful for the safe use of the vacuum cleaner. So the question is, what does a vacuum cleaner consist of, and how does a manufacturer choose a good quality microswitch for it? Now let’s understand.

Composition of vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner comprises three parts: dust collection, dust suction, and dust filter, which generally includes a series commutator motor, centrifugal fan, dust filter (bag), and dust suction accessories. The power of the general vacuum cleaner is 400-1000W or higher, and the power of the portable vacuum cleaner is generally 250W and below.

Working principle of vacuum cleaner

The working principle of the vacuum cleaner is that the motor of the vacuum cleaner rotates at high speed, inhales air from the suction inlet, and generates a certain vacuum in the dust box. The dust enters the dust bag in the dust box through the floor brush, nozzle, 扱う, hose, and main straw. The dust is left in the dust bag, and the filtered air enters the motor through a layer of filter pieces. This filter layer is a protective barrier to prevent the dust bag from breaking and inhaling the dust into the motor. The air entering the motor flows out through the motor. Due to the carbon brush’s constant wear in the motor operation, a filter is added before flowing out of the vacuum cleaner.

Application of G6 series miniature micro switch in vacuum cleaner

Another indispensable part of the vacuum cleaner is the G6 series miniature micro switch on the vacuum cleaner.The vacuum cleaner has two switches: one on the handle and the other on the main engine.

Select a suitable quality micro switch

When we choose the micro switch of a vacuum cleaner, we must understand several key points of the selection of micro switch according to the requirements of our vacuum cleaner parts. 同時に, choosing a good quality micro switch strength brand manufacturer is very important! Select a micro switch to know the vacuum cleaner load’s maximum current and voltage parameters because the vacuum cleaner needs a small built-in micro switch, in line with the volume requirements, and meets the electrical requirements. The vacuum cleaner microswitch can use my company’s G6 micro switch with a handle/roller. Unionwell Vacuum Cleaner Microswitch meets the needs of export vacuum cleaner manufacturers in line with ENEC/ Unilever International safety certification.

Unionwell Micro Switch Manufacturer From China

プロのマイクロスイッチ中国メーカー & プロのマイクロスイッチ中国メーカー, Ltd specializes in producing quality micro switches for the automotive industry and white goods of home appliances. 主な製品には、基本的なマイクロスイッチが含まれます, 防水スイッチ, 空気圧スイッチ, メカニカルキーボードスイッチ, とドアスイッチ.

より良い価格設定のために, リードタイム, および品質管理の保証, 恵州グリーテックエレクトロニクス株式会社を買収しました。, 株式会社 2021. 中国の生産拠点になりました 500 従業員と 250 百万個/年の生産能力.

子会社の広州ユニオンウェルセンシング支店との提携 & コントロールテクノロジー株式会社, 株式会社設立, 私たちのグローバルリーチは北米をカバーしています, ヨーロッパ, アジア, と南アメリカ.

私たちのビジネスパートナー/エンドカスタマーのほとんどはグローバルです 500 企業, 世界的に有名な家電ブランドや北米とヨーロッパの大手自動車サプライヤーを含む.

We are launching a new industrial base at Longmen, 恵州, 広東省, ユニオンウェル本社として機能します. 自動化設備が導入されます, スイッチの生産能力を大幅に改善 250 百万個以上 1.3 年間10億個.

We can provide alternatives for the brands’ switches from Honeywell, C&K, チェリー, クルーゼ, オムロン, そしてバージェス. Our fabricated switches offer a cost-effective solution.

Official website:

https://www.greetech-switch.com/ https://www.unionwellswitch.com/


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