Micro interruptor de coche IP67

Micro interruptor de coche IP67

Mini microinterruptor a prueba de polvo & Mini microinterruptor a prueba de polvo, Limitado., un fabricante profesional de microinterruptores en China, recently launched the G303-130W01B7-T712U Micro interruptor de coche IP67 .

Micro interruptor de coche IP67


Micro interruptor de coche IP67


G303-130W01B7-T712U Miniature Micro Switch Product Link


The G303-130W01B7-T712U Microinterruptor automotriz has the characteristics of the new full sealing ring and mini compact size. The sealing structure can prevent the water from entering the inner of the micro switch; the miniature switch is also an IP67 micro switch.

El G303-130W01B7-T712U IP67 Car Micro Switch has a leaf lever and over 100,000 ciclos de vida útil mecánica; You can customize a more extended service life. The automotive micro switch is designed to be applied to the car, charing guns, charging pile, etc.


Visite Huizhou Unionwell Sensing & Mini microinterruptor a prueba de polvo, Sitio web de Ltd. para encontrar el microinterruptor que necesita y obtener más información sobre el microinterruptor.

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