Schild - Neuigkeiten zu Unionwell Mikroschaltern

Neue große Basis-Endschalterfreigabe

As a professional switch manufacturer, Unionwell focuses on producing various micro switches, wasserdichte Mikroschalter, Luftdruckschalter, and limit switches.Our products are widely applicated...

Micro Switch Terminologies

VDC: Gleichstrom, V (volt) is the sign of voltage, and DC is direct current. The voltage used by the insulation meter is direct current. VAC:...

Unionwell Electronics Door Switch

Man weiß, dass es für viele Haushaltsgeräte oder Kfz-Steuerungssysteme einen Türschalter gibt. But few people understand that a snap action switch...

Entwicklungstrend bei Herstellern von Mikroschaltern

Information technology innovation has made a significant difference to the electronic switches industry. For the sake of technology development, the switches industry has shifted its...

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