
Was Sie über den Tastaturschalter wissen sollten

Tastaturschalter werden in elektronischen Geräten wie audiovisuellen Produkten weit verbreitet eingesetzt, digitale Produkte, Fernbedienung, Kommunikationsprodukte, Haushaltsgeräte, Sicherheitsprodukte, Spielzeuge, Computerprodukte,...

Mikroschalter und Luftentfeuchter

Micro Switch And Dehumidifier

The working principle of the dehumidifier is to suck the humid air into the machine through the fan, condense the water in the air into...

The Contact Gap Of Micro Switch

Es gibt viele Arten von Mikroschaltern, and they are widely applicated. But its contact gap is mainly divided into 0.25mm, 0.5mm, 1.0mm, and 1.8mm....

Mechanical Precautions Of Micro Switch

Here are some mechanical precautions of the micro switch as below. The setting of the micro switch operating travel and operating force will affect the...

Good Quality Micro Switch Secure Good Performance

Whether in the electronics market or electronic industry, wir, as electronic component purchasers, must have a general understanding of micro switch quality and select a...

Snap Action Switch Supplier Analysis In China

Schnappschalter, auch Mikroschalter genannt, ist in der Elektronikindustrie weit verbreitet. Zum Beispiel, in der Hausgeräteindustrie, elektronische Geräte, elektronische Produkte,...

How To Select Micro Switch For Office Equipment

The appearance of office equipment and application significantly improve our work efficiency and save time. In den vergangenen Jahren, the concept of a low-carbon office is...

Why Does Micro Switch Can’t Be Pushed

Mikroschalter, seen from its name, means slim size and convenience. In practical life, micro switch is widely used in household appliances. But some people...