The Working Principle Of Air Pressure Switch

Serlêdana Guhestina Zexta Hewayê ya Germkirina Avê ya Gazê

The Working Principle Of Air Pressure Switch

The Working Principle Of Air Pressure Switch

The air pressure switch has two detection ports, namely the positive pressure detection port and the negative pressure detection port. The cavity is divided into a positive and negative pressure cavity. The skin membrane is isolated between the two Chambers. When there is a pressure source, the leather membrane moves and triggers the micro switch to achieve the opening/closing purpose.

The wind pressure switch is equipped with a fine-tuning device, which changes the pressure of the spring to change the starting point and the turning point (i.e., ON point and OFF point) of the air pressure switch. In general, the sample of the wind pressure switch is the negative pressure detection port, and the sampling device is the negative pressure zone installed in the volute of the strong exhaust fan.

The sampling port of the sampling device is a tube with a diagonal Angle, which is at a certain Angle with the wind direction. The pressure value detected by the change of the Angle and the change of wind speed is also different. Unionwell is an enterprise specializing in the production of switches.

The air pressure switches, switches mîkro, switches mîkro waterproof, and other products produced by the company have been widely used in various

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